How to use long-tail keywords


You probably don’t know what long-tail keywords are. Well, in a very summarized way, we will tell you that they are words from the same family that are easy to rank because they have few searches. Its great advantage is that the lack of competition for them helps you to place your Marketing website in the high positions of the search engines for those keywords.  

These long-tail keywords have a common characteristic: they are long terms composed of more than two words, usually the core of the search and some aspect of it. For example, a long tail keyword is “billabong short sleeve shirts”. While a short tail would be “billabong shirts”.  

This class of keywords has its own characteristics when it comes to framing them in our SEO strategy. This article will try to give you the keys you need to make the most of them.  

When to use long-tail keywords?   

This can generate a little debate.  

On the one hand, all web pages can be oriented towards the keywords they want, but it is also true that when you have a low authority or have just created your project, you discover that it is very difficult to position yourself with the most used keywords even if you take care of all the factors of SEO ranking.

In addition to this, we must add the difficulty of placing these keywords in the text and other parts of the page. There are different reasons to create a blog on your website: it improves SEO positioning, establishes a dialogue with clients, offers dynamism, etc. It also gives you the opportunity of pushing the positioning with these keywords, so we recommend that you should include these in your business. 

Many experts reject this route to get visits; they see it as excessive work whose results take too long to be reflected. Perhaps they are right, but we will argue that in addition to keywords that generate their own volume to a greater or lesser extent, we must also look for new SEO strategies and paths in the sectors with the greatest competition.  

All keywords are used 

It is assessed that not more than 15% of searches start from a text never used before, taking into account errors, long or meaningless sentences. All of it is qualifiable because the search engine algorithm always redirects based on previous searches.  

By this, we mean that every keyword is really going to be used to a greater or lesser extent.  

An SEO specialist, think about how to find keywords for your business, what terms you are likely to use beyond the usual ones.  

Sort by topics  

Using tools such as Google Analytics or SEMrush, you can check how the same terms are used in countless variables by users when searching for information.  

If you take a list with a hundred similar uses of a term, you can find alternatives that you would never have thought were being used. That is why we recommend that when looking for keywords, you let yourself be carried away by the imagination and the user’s way of talking.  

Also, think that normally a page is not positioned only by a single term. Normally, when you are writing your description or writing a post, you choose to use several terms without knowing very well, which one will work.  

To extract more long words, you can search for different short-tail variables and work on the extensions you can think of one by one. A common trick is the trunk word coupling that many people perform when they don’t know the exact definition of a term.  

There are also common words that tend to obtain good results in almost any sector: cheap, discount, sale, outlet, etc. Although they may be synonymous terms, their use is uneven, and in some keywords, there may be some with negligible results while others surprise positively.  

With the example of these terms, what you should do is – create a page that has cheaper stocks of the product to which you have added the terms (be it T-shirts, ebooks, or carrots) and prepare a well-written text where you use the terms  

The long tail also helps the short one  

Orienting the work towards the long tail and the terms that we have decided to use does not mean that you do not end up obtaining results in short-tail keywords.  

As you position yourself, you will gain authority that will help you position more terms than you had thought. It indeed is a long way, but it may take you less time than the other.  

In the example that we used in the previous point when creating the page with products on sale, you have to add a link to the product file and another to the one with the short tail keyword.  

This will be a process that we can repeat on multiple occasions with different pages that sell products with long-tail keywords while linking to that short-tail main page: news, imported, for children, etc.  

You mustn’t fall into the keyword cannibalization error because this could damage your positioning strategy by creating different pages and content that try to position themselves for the same keywords.  

Each page that you create will offer you a double function of positioning the different keywords, that is, of the same page and the linked page that you will slowly position. It is not a quick process, but sometimes it doesn’t have to be either.  

Work and more work  

You must keep in mind a large amount of work and patience is required if you will need to position with short-tail keywords. Without the necessary authority that the long-tail pages will take, you will not be able to rise in that other aspect, even if you have done a magnificent job from the beginning.  

The authority will be gained individually for each page you have created, and that will be classified independently from the others: it will build its authority and distribute it with the main page. Remember that links are essential to give that much-needed authority to a domain when you’re starting.  

If you use the technique that we have mentioned, you will see that you manage to increase the visits to your online store gradually. The graph will ascend in terms of traffic on many sales pages and, always, on the main one.  

Keep in mind at all times add the traffic that the long-tail keywords classified pages will be having since from the first moment you decided to disaggregate them so that they had their own journey.  


Competing with large companies and established businesses is very difficult when it comes to planning an SEO strategy. Maybe with a large investment in advertising, you will get to the first page of results. So there are times when you must face new approaches.  

Using long-tail or long-tail keywords is a strategy that gets long-term results. It requires planning and the ability to choose the right keywords, but with good planning, you can create projects that work perfectly.  

And don’t forget what we have said: working on the positioning of long-tail keywords also helps those that are short-tail.


By admin

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